What is a lack of self-confidence and how does it occur?
Movements of Confidence Come First, Feelings of Confidence Second!
Self-confidence is an important concept for communication and self-expression skills in one’s life. It includes the person’s evaluation of himself. Self-confidence has an impact on one’s attitudes and behaviors by influencing the way people relate. A person needs the skills to establish and maintain relationships with other people in his daily life, to express his needs and expectations in an appropriate environment, and to organize relations with his teacher/boss or peers. It is known that when one feels a lack of self-confidence, the person has difficulties and troubles in these matters.
Our feelings, thoughts and behaviors affect and are affected by each other. Feeling a lack of self-confidence negatively affects our thoughts about our own competence and our perception of ourselves. This perception of ourselves can be reflected in our behaviors in the form of avoiding showing ourselves in social situations and withdrawing. This way of thinking and behaving can lead to a vicious circle by feeding and triggering the feeling of lack of self-confidence. Therefore, feeling a lack of self-confidence can negatively affect a person’s self-perception and can manifest itself with problems in social relations and school/work life.
What Causes Lack of Self-Confidence?
Lack of self-confidence is a concept associated with a basic sense of trust. Confidence is a set of beliefs that include thoughts about oneself, other people, and the future. It includes trust in people, beliefs about the nature of humanity, evaluations of whether the world is a safe place, self-perception and competence. The damage to the basic sense of trust as a result of various experiences can negatively affect the self-confidence of the person and cause a lack of self-confidence by shaking his/her self-efficacy belief. The triggers of a lack of self-confidence are; overly high expectations, harsh personal judgments, preoccupation with fears (failure, inadequacy, worthlessness, etc.), lack of experience and skill.
How to Work with a Lack of Self-Confidence
As mentioned, the negative evaluations we make about our self-confidence interact with our behaviors and emotions, creating a cycle. The main thing that sustains this cycle is our behavior. It is possible for us to develop behaviors and skills that will enable us to get out of this cycle instead of behaviors that feed the feeling and thinking of lack of self-confidence.
If you want to be able to do something and provide a sense of self-confidence, first of all, you should determine what skill you need to improve on the subject you are missing and put it into practice, that is, you should rehearse this skill. Then, you can create new skills and behavior patterns by applying this skill effectively in daily life, evaluating the results of the practice, identifying and rearranging where it works or needs improvement. In other words, you must first develop skills, put these skills into action, and then expect to feel confident.
For example, someone who hesitates to speak in a classroom or meeting environment may not be able to express their own ideas due to a lack of self-confidence. If this person practices techniques such as visualization techniques by imagining himself speaking in public and rehearsing to improve his public speaking and self-expression skills, he will begin to develop this skill over time. Afterwards, he will be able to expand his behavioral repertoire by exhibiting this rehearsal in his daily life and by identifying the points he needs to evaluate and improve himself.
Harris, R. (2020). Self-Esteem Gap. Diogenes Publishing, Istanbul.
Psk.Cansu Şahin
Uzman Bilgisi

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What is a lack of self-confidence and how does it occur?
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When Should I Go to a Psychologist?
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Our Child Brides Who Have Their Lives Taken From Their Hands
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Children Are Afraid Adults Too
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Who is a Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist?
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The Forbidden Apple and Cognitive Evolution
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Species Happiness is Possible in Partnership
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Panic Attack
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Approach to a Child with Autism
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An Unhappy Child Who Never Grows Up: Peter Sellers
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What is Depression? What are the symptoms? How is the treatment?
The term ‘depression’ is one of the most used medical terms in daily life, for this reason; It has been the subject of many misunderstandings and misconceptions. It is highly probable that almost everyone will hear the phrase ‘I am depressed these days’ from their mouths at some point in their lives. So, is every …

Depression May Not Come With Drums
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The Hate Diary of a Psychiatrist
The sickly color of the city turned pale and reduced the will to live in people. In fact, outsiders say that the gloomy weather suits this city very well. For those who live here, it doesn’t really matter. They spend the day in the evening without complaining about each other’s same lives every day. My …

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Psychotherapy; It is the general name of the techniques that aim to solve the cognitive, emotional and behavioral problems of individuals through verbal interviews with a trained professional and to protect and improve the mental health of individuals. Throughout the history of psychiatry, different types of psychotherapy have been developed in various periods, shaped according …

The Psychology of Attachment “I Can’t Live Without You”
I can’t live without him, we complement each other, I’m incomplete without him, I can’t imagine a world without him… These expressions, which we all hear or say personally in our daily life, may not be so innocent after all. Ranging from ‘I’m nothing without you’ to ‘it’s mine or the black soil’, these sentences …

Role Distribution in Life: Unloved
There are children who are not accepted, loved, and rejected by their mothers. They climb to their mothers, to love me, take care of me, take care of me. The more she climbs, the more the mother pushes, the more the mother pushes, the more the child clings to the mother. These kids cry for …

Attitudes of Parents in University Exams
University exams have increasingly become the nightmare of both young people and parents in our country. Many people who put all their hopes into these exams go into a serious stress environment before and after the exam. They are right. So it’s not an unwarranted stress. Children flock to psychiatrists at exam time. They have …

Mental Problems Disrupt Our Physical Health
Studies by scientists say that mental problems and related problems can lead to serious diseases in the body after a while. Examining the timing and course of certain diseases shows how connected we are to the people in our lives and how much we are affected by these relationships. The frictions, turmoil and disappointments experienced …

So Was It Time to Die?
I always thought of our country as one big family. Not every country is a family, but our country has always been a big family since the establishment of the Republic of Turkey. Although the population of this family increased very rapidly, new brides and grooms entered the family, some of them were our own …

People of a Huge Country Looking for Himself
I’ve been a curious person for as long as I can remember. I was like that in my childhood. I will never forget the day I started school. My mother had tied white ribbons to my braided hair hanging from both sides. It was as if I was knocking on the door of the world …

Loving Yourself
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Betrayal is perhaps one of the greatest pains that human beings can experience in the world. Even poets, in poems and songs, are angry if you compare separation and betrayal with death, and they say that betrayal always hurts a person even more than death. Because in betrayal, there are infuriating and hurtful meanings such …

Always the Same Role
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Marriage, Middle Age, Lie
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Reflections of the Economic Crisis on the Human Spirit
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A Mobbing Tragedy
The meaning of mobbing can be defined as psychological violence, pressure or harassment. Especially in places where there is a hierarchical structure, it is the powerful oppressing the underdogs or harassing them in various ways. This harassment can sometimes be done by using social and psychological pressure methods, and sometimes it can be in the …

Trauma-Associated Disorders
Trauma, in its most general definition, is a state of discomfort resulting from an unusual experience that has a lasting effect on the individual’s mental state and personality. It is possible to examine traumas in 2 types as short-term and permanent traumas. While short-term traumas occur as a result of sudden and non-continuous events such …

Drug Uses in Psychiatry
We can say that there is an extreme tendency towards medical drugs in our society. Most of the time, it is common to use medication based on the symptoms that occur in the body, even if it is not prescribed by a doctor. In cases such as a small cough, fever or headache, we resort …

Our Most “Popular” Schemes
The emotional needs of individuals that are not met, especially in childhood, play a role in the formation of certain schemas. Emotional deprivation: It results from the emotional neglect of a child’s primary caregiver, most often the mother. The idea that “I will never be loved enough” prevails. These people, knowingly or unknowingly, put emotional …

The Importance of Peer Relationships in Children
In early childhood, babies begin to show a marked interest in all other children. However, since the social skills necessary to play with other children are not yet fully developed, the first types of play are the ones they play alone. After a while, they start to play side-by-side games with their peers around the …

Divorce: A Psychological Perspective
One of the most common issues that parents want to receive counseling or therapy services for their children is the divorce process. Divorce, which is an undesirable situation in parental relations, can lead to different effects for each family structure. Depending on the attitudes and behaviors of the parents, it can be considered normal, on …

Deception And Abandonment
In my first years of working as a cheating and abandonment psychiatrist, that is, 25-30 years ago (in fact, I don’t like talking about such huge numbers when talking about past years, but unfortunately this is the truth) I only listened to women who were cheated on. These were women stabbed in the chest, that’s …
Our Current Psychology Publications

What is Stress? Symptoms and Treatment Methods of Stress
Stress, the natural reaction of the body during any moment of danger that requires adaptation or response, can be triggered …

Empathy: The Art of Understanding Others and Establishing Empathic Connection
The term “empathy” is briefly mentioned as “duygudaşlık” on the Turkish Language Association’s …

The Sense of Emotional Neglect
Emptiness The traumas individuals experience during childhood can leave profound marks on their lives. Neglect and abuse …

Healthy Communication in Marriage
Effective Ways to Solve Problems in Marriage – How Should Healthy Arguments Be? Marriage is the union of two individuals …

The Importance of Self-Care: Prioritizing Yourself and Self-Care Practices
Taking care of oneself is a vital behavior to maintain our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. In the hustle and …

Psychological Resilience: The Power of Coping with Challenges
When we talk about psychological resilience, negative events usually come to mind first. However, throughout life, despite …

Depression and Work Performance: How to Cope with Depression in the Workplace?
Depression, under the concept of melancholy, has come as one of the oldest terms in the realm of mental disorders. Hippocrates …

Anger Management: Path to Achieving Healthy Inner Balance
Anger is a powerful emotion that all of us experience from time to time. It is a understandable reaction to various triggers …

From Yesterday to Today: Sexual Myths
As living beings, we require various resources to sustain our lives. In order to identify human needs, various studies have …