Psikolojik Dayanıklılık Zorluklarla Başa Çıkmanın Gücü

Psychological Resilience: The Power of Coping with Challenges

When we talk about psychological resilience, negative events usually come to mind first. However, throughout life, despite experiencing many events that cause anxiety, stress, and concern, these are not always negative or unwanted situations. Sometimes, even when eagerly awaited, certain situations can be challenging when they occur. Therefore, psychological distress does not only lead to feeling sad and sorrowful but can also be psychologically challenging when anxiety and stress are strong or prolonged. Read more

Otizm Ve Asperger Sendromu

Autism And Asperger’s Syndrome

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder whose symptoms begin to appear in early childhood. In recent studies, it is mentioned that this disorder occurs as a result of the interaction of both genetic and environmental factors. Among the most important symptoms of autism are inadequate communication skills, reluctance/inability to relate and interact with people, and repetitive behaviors. Asperger’s syndrome is thought to be one of the types of high-functioning autism. Although the symptoms of Asperger’s syndrome are similar to those of other autism disorders, the symptoms are usually milder. Read more

Winter Depression - Madalyon Psikiyatri Merkezi

Winter Depression

Also known as winter depression, seasonal affective disorder or seasonal depression; It is a psychological disease that is triggered by the change of seasons, especially in autumn and winter, where the interest and desire of the person decreases, his thoughts, feelings and behaviors are negatively affected. Lack of sunlight, low temperatures, short days and being in closed environments all the time have negative effects on many people and cause depression. Read more

Çocukluk Çağı Mastürbasyonu

Childhood Masturbation

Masturbation behavior is an extremely natural and healthy process for the development of children. Children start to touch their own bodies in a way that they enjoy from an early age when they start to explore their bodies. This behavior is more common in children between the ages of 3 and 6 years. Read more

Çocuklarda Tuvalet Eğitimi

Toilet Training in Children

Toilet training is an extremely important step in the growth and development processes of children. This process can be quite critical and sometimes worrying for parents as well as children. It is generally thought that children show interest in toilet training when they turn 24 months, but this period may be earlier or later in some children. Therefore, it is not possible to say an exact time when toilet training should be given to children. Read more

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