Psy. Yakup Anil OZDEMIR

Depresyon ve İş Performansı İş Hayatında Depresyonla Nasıl Başa Çıkılır

Depression and Work Performance: How to Cope with Depression in the Workplace?

Depression, under the concept of melancholy, has come as one of the oldest terms in the realm of mental disorders. Hippocrates explained the biological origins of depression, suggesting its connection to an increase in black bile around 400 BC (Türkçapar, 2009). Complaints associated with depression can manifest in various forms, including disturbing mood, changes in attitudes towards life, and unreal physical symptoms accompanying depression (Beck, 1967). Read more

Meditasyon ve Zihinsel Huzur Zihni Sakinleştirme ve Odaklanma Yöntemleri

Meditation and Mental Peace: Methods to Calm and Focus the Mind

Meditation is a term that corresponds to the concept of “deep thinking” in the dictionary sense. In dictionaries, the word meditation is defined as “inner peace of the individual, calmness”. Meditation is a spiritual purification technique in different cultures and religions. Thanks to concentration and alertness exercises, the individual rests his mind and soul. Read more

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