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Mental Problems Disrupt Our Physical Health - Madalyon Psikiyatri Merkezi

Mental Problems Disrupt Our Physical Health

Studies by scientists say that mental problems and related problems can lead to serious diseases in the body after a while.

Examining the timing and course of certain diseases shows how connected we are to the people in our lives and how much we are affected by these relationships. The frictions, turmoil and disappointments experienced in these relationships can have visible negative effects on our bodies.

There is a system in our body that we call the immune system, and thanks to this system, our body protects us against various diseases. As soon as a microbe that can make us sick enters our body, this system first notices it and then follows and destroys it, just like our soldiers defending the homeland from enemies. If we didn’t have an immune system, the slightest infection could kill us.

According to recent research, our brain and immune system are in constant communication. If our mental state is good, if we are in good spirits, if we enjoy life, if we are at peace with ourselves and with life, the immune system is getting stronger. If we are constantly in conflict, if we do not give good meanings to life, if we are constantly sad about something, if we are abandoned, if we feel excluded and alone, then the immune system weakens and the risk of contracting a physical disease gradually increases.

While some of the people who carry the same bacteria in their bodies get fatal diseases because of this, the same bacteria does not cause disease in another group of people. The same goes for the tuberculosis microbe.

In Sweden, a number of recent studies show that the loss or separation of a loved one plays an important role in the development of diabetes. We can give similar examples for cardiovascular diseases that cause the most deaths in the world.

For all these reasons, we should pay more attention to our mental health, not take our problems lightly and seek solutions without delay.

Uzman Bilgisi

Psych. Gulseren BUDAYICIOGLU
Center President, Psychiatrist
  • Üniversite : Faculty of Medicine, Ankara University
  • Uzmanlık : Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Mental Health and Diseases, Psychiatry Residency Training


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