
Psy. Yavuzhan ERISEN

Clinical Psychologist


Psychology Department, Istanbul Esenyurt University (Scholarship)


Master's Degree: Istanbul Esenyurt University, Clinical Psychology


Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist

Interested Age Range



Ankara – Center Kavaklidere


He graduated from the psychology department of Istanbul Esenyurt University as an honor student with the ‘differential diagnosis of aphasia’ graduation project. Between 2017-2018, he served as the Istanbul Coordinator of People Who Book. He took part as a speaker with his presentation on ‘Education for Change, Change for Education’ at the Booklet People Summit held in Kütahya in 2017. He did an internship in the field of neuropsychology at the neuropsychology laboratory of Neuropsychologist Prof. Dr.  Öget Öktem TANÖR in ÇAPA. In the same year, he did an internship at the Human Psychological Counseling and Education Center. He worked as a supervisor psychologist in the DENEYAP workshops of the Turkey Technology Team. In 2018, He took place as a speaker at the Istanbul Esenyurt University Student Congress with his presentation on “Professional Interaction” under the consultancy of its member Instructor Ayhan KARAY. He completed his Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology at Istanbul Esenyurt University with the “Biopsychosocial Effects of Separation Anxiety in Children” graduation project. He worked as a psychologist and marketing manager at Private Median Health Group. He worked as an institutional psychologist at Private Anka Montessori Kindergarten.


  • High School: Samsun Carsamba Science High School
  • Bachelor’s: Istanbul Esenyurt University, Department of Psychology (Scholarship)
  • MSc: Istanbul Esenyurt University, Clinical Psychology

Certificates and Other Trainings

  • Effective Communication Strategies and Body Language (Institute 290314100386)
  • Stress Management Training (Institute 290334102525)
  • Emotion-Focused Therapy (People First Psychological Counseling Center AC/İB/001-14)
  • Psychology and its Subspecialties (Psych ED UC-9NIMWGCL)
  • Sexual Therapy (Bilal Semih Bozdemir UC-JM3X6IB6)
  • Child Development and Psychology (International Education Council PW1955)
  • Child Psychology with All Its Aspects (Dr. Sinem Durusal 802292864)
  • Behavior Problems in Children
  • Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder in Children
  • Child Focused Counseling
  • Dyslexia Instructor Training (International Education Council PW1955)
  • Creative Drama Trainer Training (International Education Council PW1955)
  • Fairy Tale Therapy (International Education Council PW1955)
  • Kindergarten Management Education (International Education Council PW1955)
  • Play Therapy (International Education Council PW1955)
  • MOXO d-CPT Test (Executive Function Test that measures Attention, Impulsivity, Timing and Hyperactivity)
  • Bourdon Attention Test
  • Porteus Maze Test
  • AGTE (Ankara Developmental Screening Inventory)
  • Gessel Development Figures
  • Goodenough Draw a Human Quiz
  • Objective and Projective Tests Used in the Evaluation of Children (First Human Psychological Counseling ÇTE/EN/001-02)
  • Beier Sentence Completion Test
  • Frostig Developmental Visual Perception Test
  • Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test
  • Gessel Development Figures
  • Metropolitan School Readiness Test
  • Frankfurter Attention and Concentration Test
  • Cattel 2A Intelligence Test
  • Porteus Mazes Intelligence Test
  • Kent EGY Intelligence Test
  • Bender-Gestalt Visual Motor Perception Test
  • Goodenough Harris Draw a Person Quiz
  • MMPI (People First Counseling Center MT/DD/001-15)
