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Depresyon Nedir ve Depresyon Yaşayan Kişiyi Anlamak

What is Depression and Understanding Someone with Depression

Depression is a psychiatric disorder where individuals feel unhappy, pessimistic, worthless, guilty, and hopeless. It can be accompanied by sleep and appetite problems, fatigue, and a lack of sexual desire. People experiencing depression find it difficult to derive pleasure from life, feel disinterested even in activities they used to enjoy, and may also exhibit slowed movements and self-care issues, along with attention and memory problems. In advanced stages of depression, individuals may lose their functionality, struggle to carry on with daily tasks, and thoughts and actions related to suicide may arise. Therefore, it is crucial to treat the person’s depression through psychotherapy and, if necessary, psychiatric intervention. In the treatment of depression, the importance of social support is as significant as the necessity of psychotherapy and medication. The thought processes and perceptions of individuals experiencing depression are distorted, negative, and pessimistic. Therefore, the behavior of the person’s close ones and social environment is crucial.

So, How Should You Act Towards Someone with Depression?

Firstly, take depression seriously, and avoid saying phrases like “it’s all in your mind, you have control over everything.” Understand and care about the feelings of someone struggling with depression and support them in expressing their emotions. Individuals with depression may not want to leave the house; visit them frequently without pressure and listen to them. People experiencing depression may find it challenging to do even small things. Help them with these small tasks. Most importantly, encourage the person with depression to seek help. Depression is a significant psychiatric illness, and no matter how much support you provide, it is crucial to remember that depression cannot heal without professional assistance. What Can Someone with Depression Do to Feel Better?

They can engage in walks, meet the basic self-care needs even if they don’t feel like it, and incorporate small activities into their lives, even if they have to push themselves. Express their emotions and talk to trusted individuals about their concerns. Set small goals instead of significant ones. However, it’s crucial to note that all these suggestions serve as support and are not sufficient or curative, especially for someone experiencing severe depression. Individuals with depression must seek psychotherapeutic support.

Nagihan KUTLU

Clinical Psychologist

Uzman Bilgisi

Psy. Nagihan KUTLU
Clinical Psychologist
  • Üniversite : Psychology Department, Işık University
  • Uzmanlık : Işık University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Clinical Psychology


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