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Drug Uses in Psychiatry

We can say that there is an extreme tendency towards medical drugs in our society. Most of the time, it is common to use medication based on the symptoms that occur in the body, even if it is not prescribed by a doctor. In cases such as a small cough, fever or headache, we resort to medicine without hesitation. However, when it comes to psychiatric drug treatment, we see that individuals can react negatively by feeling uneasy.

The negative attitudes of families towards drug therapy in mental health stem from the most common misconceptions. Families, especially those who strongly oppose their children’s use of drugs, often try to resort to other treatment methods. The role of brain biochemistry in research on the causes of mental problems in both children and adults is no longer discussed.

Drugs contribute to the solution of existing problems by interacting with the mechanisms that provide communication between nerve cells. Contrary to what is known, drugs used in treatment do not cause people to have difficulty in fulfilling their vital functions or to be disconnected from life. Except for the group of drugs called “benzodiazepines”, no psychiatric drug is physiologically addictive, or there is no such thing as an excessive amount of side effects for each individual. Psychiatrists plan the appropriate treatment in line with “profit-loss” analysis, taking into account the genetic predispositions and individual differences of individuals.

How should it be used? How should it be terminated?

Irregular use of prescribed drugs, or their abrupt discontinuation without a doctor’s supervision, does more harm than good to patients. It is known that abruptly discontinued drugs may cause withdrawal syndrome in individuals. In order for your treatment to provide healthy results, you must strictly follow the instructions given by your doctor. In particular, the curative effect of antidepressant group drugs does not appear in the first 2-3 weeks after they are used. In the meantime, individuals may think that they can’t see any benefit from the drugs, and they may turn to quit the drug.

This false belief causes your treatment to end before it even begins. Similarly, the well-being felt in the process after the drugs start to take effect may reveal perceptions such as “I got better anyway, I don’t need the drug anymore”. However, the termination of the treatment is not dependent on this situation. Continuity of preventive treatment is needed to prevent your disease from recurring in the future.

Do drugs provide a definitive solution?

One of the misconceptions of individuals about psychiatric drug therapy is that drug use provides a definitive solution to every disease or situation. However, the use of drugs in the treatment of mental health and diseases is only one of the treatment methods. Researches made; It demonstrates the visible curative effect of combining drug therapy with treatment methods such as individual psychotherapy, family and couple therapy, or play therapy for children. For this reason, you should adapt to the treatment methods approved by your doctor, and you should not avoid getting information about the drugs you use for question marks in your mind.

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Ps. Deniz TAN

Uzman Bilgisi

Clinical Psychologist
  • Üniversite : Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Psychology, Çankaya University (High Honor Degree)
  • Uzmanlık : Uskudar University Institute of Social Sciences – Department of Clinical Psychology (With High Honor)


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