

Clinical Psychologist


Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Psychology, Çankaya University (High Honor Degree)


Uskudar University Institute of Social Sciences – Department of Clinical Psychology (With High Honor)


Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist

Interested Age Range



Ankara – Center Kavaklidere


Specialist Clinical Psychologist Deniz Tan graduated from the Department of Psychology at Çankaya University in 2018 as a high honor student. She completed her internship at the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Polyclinic of Sami Ulus Obstetrics and Child Health Training and Research Hospital. She completed her master’s degree in Üsküdar University Clinical Psychology program and received her specialization. She completed Cognitive Behavioral Therapies, Family and Couple Therapies, Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama, Interpersonal Relations Psychotherapy trainings within the scope of her master’s degree, and worked at NP Istanbul Neuropsychiatry Hospital within the scope of her master’s internship. She participated in psychological test trainings and therapy trainings organized by various associations and institutions throughout her education life and obtained practitioner certificates. She completed her graduate education as an honor student with her thesis on “An investigation of relationship between perfectionism level and social anxiety level on college students”. She started her professional life by working as a psychologist in a private educational institution in Ankara, and then started to see children and adolescents mainly as a psychotherapist in a private clinic. She is an active member of the Turkish Psychological Association.

Deniz Tan has been working at Madalyon Psychiatry Center since February 2021.


  • High School: Batıkent Anatolian High School (Ankara)
  • Bachelor’s: Çankaya University Faculty of Arts and Sciences – Department of Psychology (High Honor Degree)
  • MSc: Üsküdar University Institute of Social Sciences – Clinical Psychology Department (High Honor Degree)
  • Master’s Thesis: Examining the Relationship Between the Levels of Perfectionism and Social Anxiety of University Students

Certifications and other training

  • WISC-R Weschler Intelligence Test Practitioner Training and Supervision for Children, 2016
  • WISC-IV Weschler Intelligence Test Practitioner Training and Supervision for Children, Turkish Psychological Association, 2022
  • MMPI Minnesota Multidimensional Personality Inventory Practitioner Training, Üsküdar University Master’s Program, 2019
  • Stanford Binet Intelligence Test Practitioner Training, Ankara, 2017
  • Objective Tests Used in Child Assessment Practitioner Training and Supervision (Denver II Developmental Screening Test, Ankara Developmental Screening Inventory, Gessel Developmental Figures Test, Porteus Mazes Intelligence Test, Kent EGY Intelligence Test, Cattell Intelligence Test, Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, Metropolitan School Readiness Test, Frostig Visual Perception Test, Benton Visual Memory Test, Kinder ANGST Children’s Fear Level Test, Bender Gestalt Visual Motor Perception Test, L-D Learning Disorder Special Learning Disorder Battery), Ankara, 2017
  • Neuropsychological Tests Practitioner Training and Supervision (Stroop Test, Digit String Learning Test, Audio Visual Digit String Test, Line Orientation Test, Pointing Test, Raven Standard Progressive Matrices Test), Dr. Instructor Member Hande Kaynak, Çankaya University, 2018
  • TRIPLE-P (Positive Parenting Program) Positive Parenting Education, Assoc. Dr. Aylin ÖZBEK, Antalya, 2018
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Education, Üsküdar University Master’s Program, Prof. Dr. Gokben Quick SAYAR, 2019
  • Yale Brown Obsession Compulsion Scale (Y-BOCS) Practitioner Training, Üsküdar University Master’s Program, Exp. Ps. Esma Suit, 2019
  • Family and Couple Therapies, Üsküdar University, Inst. See. Yasemin Ozan Savkay, 2019
  • Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama Education, Üsküdar University, Prof. Dr. Nevzat TARHAN, 2020
  • Interpersonal Relations Psychotherapy, Üsküdar University, Prof. Dr. Gokben Quick Count, 2020
  • Play Therapy Training and Supervision, Bilginet Academy, 2021
  • Moxo d-CPT Attention Performance Test, Moxo Turkey, 2021
  • Experiential Play Therapy Level 1 Education, Nilüfer Devecigil & Byron Norton, Psychology Istanbul, 2022
