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Empati: Başkalarını Anlama Ve Empatik Bağlantı Kurma Sanatı

Empathy: The Art of Understanding Others and Establishing Empathic Connection

The term “empathy” is briefly mentioned as “duygudaşlık” on the Turkish Language Association’s website, and in psychological sources, it is also referred to as

The word “empathy” comes from the Greek word “empathia,” using the “em” prefix, which implies within or inside. “Pathia” means feeling, and thus, the word “empathia” gains its meaning as feeling within.

When we examine the meanings of the word “empathy,” the shortest form is stated as “being able to put oneself in someone else’s shoes in terms of emotion and thought.” It is defined as the ability to understand the feelings, desires, and thoughts of another person as if perceiving them with their consciousness, without experiencing their experiences at that moment (Cevizci 1996). This means that one of the most important aspects of a person’s ability to understand others is the ability to empathize. This ability is shaped through the relationship established with caregivers (parents or those assuming care) and environmental factors from birth. This situation evolves to its present state. If we examine the relationship between the child and the caregiver, we can see how the foundation for establishing empathic connection can be laid. Firstly, parents see the needs of their children through the reactions children display, and they decide what their needs are based on their perceptions. Hunger and toilet needs are important examples of this. Secondly, it comes to ensure the correctness of the material and spiritual needs met by children. Is that need really being met? Knowing the answer to this question is crucial. In the final stage, parents convey to their children, through their behaviors and words, that they understand them and share their feelings, thus making the children feel understood.

All of these are also valid in relationships between adult individuals today. That is, listening to and observing the person we communicate with, trying to understand their feelings and thoughts, thinking in detail about what else could be happening, and finally, expressing these to the person we communicate with as far as we understand are basic steps to establish an empathic connection.

Perhaps one of the indispensable elements of psychotherapeutic studies is for the psychotherapist to establish a relationship with the clients in an empathic manner. Like everyone else, individuals who apply for psychotherapy want to be understood well enough and to trust. A client who feels understood and trusts their therapist becomes more empathetic in their relationships with others. With ongoing psychotherapeutic work, they can reach a point where they can see and direct transformations in their personality. In this way, they can lead a more peaceful individual and social life.


  • Turkish Language Association website
  • Ahmet Cevizci – Philosophy Dictionary
  • Empathy Objectivity Dilemma in Psychotherapy (Özbay M. Haluk, Canpolat Banu Işık)

Uzman Bilgisi

Psy. Ozenc Utku OZTURK
Clinical Psychologist
  • Üniversite : Psychology Department, Doğuş University
  • Uzmanlık : Istanbul Okan University, Clinical Psychology


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