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Meditasyon ve Zihinsel Huzur Zihni Sakinleştirme ve Odaklanma Yöntemleri

Meditation and Mental Peace: Methods to Calm and Focus the Mind

Meditation is a term that corresponds to the concept of “deep thinking” in the dictionary sense. In dictionaries, the word meditation is defined as “inner peace of the individual, calmness”. Meditation is a spiritual purification technique in different cultures and religions. Thanks to concentration and alertness exercises, the individual rests his mind and soul. One of the main purposes of meditation is to increase one’s awareness level. Usually in a quiet and calm environment; Although it is thought that the consciousness is done in a blurred way, meditation can also be done when the consciousness is completely open and active. The purpose of meditation; focusing and understanding our mind is to reach inner peace and a calm mind as a result.

Setting a certain time while meditating will make it easier for us to focus. Beginners can start with a 5-minute meditation process. In the following periods, periods of 10, 15 and 20 minutes can be reached. The number of days per week to meditate should be determined. It can be selected as 1 or 2 days in the first place. Over time, the frequency of meditation can be increased in parallel with the duration of meditation. It is important to be in a comfortable position while meditating. In order to stay comfortably in the position for a long time, the position should be chosen accordingly. If sitting on a cushion or chair, it will be beneficial to sit in a comfortable and upright position. Individuals who are new to meditation can keep their eyes closed for the initial phase. Over time, the eyes can be opened and instead of looking at a single point, it should be aimed to see the whole consciously.

It is necessary to create a peaceful and calm environment for meditation. Individuals who are new to meditation may have difficulty focusing. For this, they can put electronic devices in a remote place or they may prefer to start by turning off vibration and sound. Instead of meditating in complete silence, it is also helpful to hear sounds from the outside world and learn that those sounds do not disturb our mind and focus as time goes on. Another thing to do while meditating is to wear comfortable clothes. It may be necessary to choose appropriate clothes in order to avoid cold or sweating according to the condition and degree of the weather. The clothes we wear should not make it difficult for us to focus, and disturbing materials (earrings, necklaces, bracelets, watches, etc.) should be removed. Shoes can also be removed while meditating, creating a comfortable physical condition.

Breathing meditation may be the right choice at the beginning. The main goal is to be aware that we are breathing. Instead of controlling the breath, it is necessary to focus on the function of the breath and the difference it creates in us physically. Using diaphragmatic breathing, we can identify a point in our stomach and focus on it. In order to get efficiency from meditation, it must be done regularly.

In order to empty our minds, we should focus on a single object or mantra in the first place. Over time, we can focus on many objects and try to empty our minds completely. While meditating with our eyes open, the object should be at eye level. A candle or simple objects can be used.

We can visualize in our minds to increase our awareness level and provide a deep awareness. Thanks to this imagination technique, we can create a place where we felt good before or a newly designed and safe place. We need to use all our sense organs while exploring this space we have created. It is important to hear, see, touch, smell, taste and feel. It can be the contact of a piece of clothing with our skin, the taste of a strawberry we eat in our mouth, or the smell of the sea that we enjoy smelling.

Scanning our body is a good way to go into the deep phase. The goal here is to relax while scanning our body and to relax our minds with the relaxation in our body. For this, we can try to feel every part of the body, starting from our toes to the tips of our hair.

Imagination Technique

We all have times when we feel mentally tired. So what can we do to relax mentally? You can use the imagery technique to relax yourself cognitively and relax. Keep breathing the way you always do. Focus on your breath and feel your body. Notice the states in motion in your body as you breathe in and out. Imagine yourself in a safe and peaceful place, as if you were there. Listen to the sounds around you and inhale the smells. Feel the details, the ambient temperature and the clothes in contact with your body. Make the details very specific. As you inhale the scent, enjoy the place you are in to the very marrow of your bones. When you feel ready, open your eyes and say hello to the comfort in your body. Using a relaxing background music while applying will increase the effectiveness.

When we meditate regularly;

  • Stress is reduced.
  • Happiness level increases.
  • Memory and learning improve.
  • Our perspective on problems changes.
  • Our brain capacity increases.
  • Our mental and physical health increases.
  • Creativity increases and we can make decisions faster.
  • Our anxiety level decreases and it becomes easier for us to overcome anxiety.
  • There is a positive change in social relations.
  • Adapts to changes faster.

Uzman Bilgisi

Psy. Yakup Anıl OZDEMIR
Clinical Psychologist
  • Üniversite : Istanbul Commerce University (with Honors)
  • Uzmanlık : Işık University Clinical Psychology Master's Program (With Success Scholarship and Honors)


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