
Psych. Gulseren BUDAYICIOGLU

Center President, Psychiatrist


Faculty of Medicine, Ankara University


Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Mental Health and Diseases, Psychiatry Residency Training


Adult Mental Health

Interested Age Range



Ankara – Center Kavaklidere
Istanbul – Kadikoy – Goztepe
Istanbul – Levent – Karanfil Street
Istanbul – Levent – Sulun Street


During her medical education, she worked as a staff speaker and presenter for 5 years, first at TRT Ankara Radio and then at TRT TV. she became a specialist in 1977 and continued her professional life as a lecturer at the same university until 1982. During this period, she worked as a producer and presenter in the health and education programs called “Human and His World”, which was prepared in cooperation with Hacettepe University and TRT and broadcast live on TRT Televisions for one year.

She left the University in 1982. Until 2005, she worked as a freelance physician in Ankara. In 2004, she wrote the book “Inside the Medallion”, published by Remzi Bookstore, by penning one-on-one interviews with patients from different diagnosis groups.

Realizing her biggest dream on 07.03.2005, people can apply using their social security, she established Madalyon Psychiatry Center, the first private psychiatry center in Ankara licensed by the Ministry of Health.

Her books “The Three Colors of Sin” in 2008, “Back to Life” in 2011 and “If the King Loses” in 2015 were also published by Remzi Publishing House.

In February 2013, Madalyon Psychiatry Center established Istanbul Levent Branch.

Dr. Gülseren Budayıcıoğlu continues her professional life as the head of Madalyon Psychiatry Center, which is still the largest private psychiatry center in our country. On the other hand, she continues to write books describing her interviews with her patients, taking psychiatry from being theoretical and presenting it to the masses in practical life. She continues to contribute to the educational content of Madalyon Corporate Training Services Inc.( Psychology Oriented Training Center) and Madalyon Academy.


  • The Girl In The Window
  • Hayatın Sesi
  • Kırmızı Pelerin
  • When The King Loses
  • Return The Life
  • Three Colors Of Sin ,The Other Side of The Medallion
  • Inside the Coin (Medallion) , A Psychiatrist’s Notebook

Blog Posts

  • Mental Problems Disrupt Our Physical Health
  • A Mobbing Tragedy
  • Betrayal
  • Loving Yourself
  • Deception And Abandonment
  • Attitudes of Parents in University Exams
  • So Was It Time to Die?
  • People of a Huge Country Looking for themselves
  • Always the Same Role
  • Reflections of the Economic Crisis on the Human Spirit
  • Marriage, Middle Age, Lie
  • Role Distribution in Life: Unloved
