Psy. Gozde Bahar KAYA

Anne Olmak

Being a Mother

Being a mother is the most special process in human life that can experience all emotions at the same time. While many women can plan this process and prepare to become a mother emotionally, motherhood is a surprise for many women. Either way, it’s full of curiosity and anxieties. Motherhood is a state of great love and concern. A life that suddenly changes, sleepless nights, breastfeeding sessions every 2-3 hours, a tiny body and a brand new life. In this process, the woman starts a new life that she does not know, and every innovation comes with uncertainties. This state of uncertainty often brings with it anxiety. At this point, expectant mothers try to cope with questions such as will I be a good enough mother, will I be able to feed my baby, will I be able to understand him. Motherhood is an emotionally charged process.

In this transition period, where the expectant mother tries to get used to her new role, social pressure is often added to this situation. “Do you have milk?” “Is this kid used to being cuddled?” “Isn’t this baby cold?” The new mother has to answer many questions such as: At this point, the woman gets the fear of being labeled as a bad mother.

A new creature is joining your life, of which you are completely unfamiliar and in need of your care. In this process, a woman learns to be a mother with her baby, just as a baby learns to connect to life. Among these intense emotions, many mothers are busy with social pressure, the process of adapting to the new role and meeting the needs of the baby; as a human being, he often forgets himself. She does not want help even though it is difficult and she tries to be self-sufficient in every situation.

Generally, women who do not receive adequate social support, have communication problems with their spouses, and have a previous history of depression are more prone to postpartum depression. In general, postpartum depression is seen in many women; but mostly undetected. The reason for this is that many mothers hesitate to seek help in this regard and feel an intense sense of guilt. She often tries to cope alone, trying to hide it.

When we look at all this, being a mother is a difficult and sensitive process, both physically and emotionally. For this reason, every new mother should not ignore their physical examinations as well as their mental examinations. It is recommended that they seek help when necessary. A mother with good physical and mental health asks, “Will I be a good enough mother?” will be able to give the best answer to the question.

It should not be forgotten that the reason why many women cannot make the decision to become a mother may lie in the anxiety of not being a good enough mother.

By Psk. Gözde Bahar KAYA

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