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Maskeli Depresyon

What is Smiling Depression?

Smiling depression, also known as hidden or masked depression, is one of the subtypes of depression.

Depression is a psychiatric disorder characterized by pessimistic thoughts, low mood, feelings of worthlessness, guilt, hopelessness about the future, unhappiness, an inability to enjoy life, and, often, disturbances in sleep and appetite. When we look at smiling depression, we observe that emotional expression doesn’t overtly resemble depression, and there are prominent physical complaints. Individuals with smiling depression may experience bodily aches, digestive problems, dermatological issues, alcohol dependence, and stomach problems.

Despite feeling internally down, hopeless, and sad, individuals with smiling depression may not pay attention to these feelings. They tend to dismiss them, perceiving them as weaknesses and inadequacies. They may appear happy and enthusiastic about life to those around them, wearing a mask. The suppression of emotions can manifest as physical discomfort. In other words, when verbal expression is absent, physical expression emerges.

Due to the prominence of physical pain in smiling depression, individuals often do not initially seek psychologists or psychiatrists as their primary source of help. Individuals may not even be aware of their depression, even if they are experiencing it. Even if someone with smiling depression learns about it, they may not accept it and go through a process of denial.

Symptoms of Smiling Depression

Smiling depression includes symptoms of depression, such as:

  • Anhedonia (inability to experience pleasure)
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Difficulty making decisions
  • Feelings of worthlessness
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Eating disorders
  • Forgetfulness
  • Reflecting on the past
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Low energy, fatigue

Prominent symptoms in smiling depression include:

  • Increased sleep
  • Increased appetite
  • Increased sexual desire
  • Increased anger
  • Constant desire to rest and be alone
  • Physical aches and a feeling of heaviness (in arms, legs, headaches, etc.)
  • Difficulty defining emotions
  • Increased anxiety and stress
  • Expression of sadness and claiming to be okay

Treatment for Smiling Depression

Individuals may delay seeking help as they avoid confronting their weaknesses and inadequacies. They may have beliefs that seeking help could be futile. However, everyone has strengths and weaknesses, and everyone needs help at certain times in their lives. As individuals let go of the misconception that they must be entirely strong, they can take off the mask they wear and embark on the path to healing.

Treatment for smiling depression is generally conducted on an outpatient basis and can involve inpatient treatment in severe cases. Psychotherapy and medical treatment can be combined during the treatment process.



Clinical Psychologist


B.A. in Psychology, Başkent University (With Honors)


Clinical Psychology, Istanbul Üsküdar University


Uzman Bilgisi

Clinical Psychologist
  • Üniversite : Psychology Department, Başkent University, with Honors
  • Uzmanlık : Istanbul Uskudar University Clinical Psychology


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