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When Should I Go to a Psychologist?

What is psychotherapy?

Psychology, in its broadest definition, is known as ‘the science of human behavior and mental processes’. The point to be noted here is the word ‘science’. Although psychologists focus on behaviors and mental processes, they explain the underlying causes and results of these issues on a scientific basis. Although the concept of psychotherapy cannot be defined precisely, it can be mentioned as a process based on verbal interaction and psychotherapeutic relationship between two people. Aim; It is the elimination of problems caused by disorders in the cognitive, emotional or behavioral functions of one of the two people (client). Psychotherapy, which is a process based on understanding, speaking, thinking and relating; It can be shaped according to the needs of the client and the therapy school used.

The problems experienced by the person can be resolved with psychotherapy or counseling processes. The main differences between the two concepts are; duration and target. The counseling process targets a more specific problem and takes much less time than the psychotherapy process. Psychotherapy process; In addition to being long-term, it puts the person in the center and aims to raise awareness about the reasons and patterns underlying their own thoughts, feelings and behaviors.

What Does Getting Psychological Support Do for Me?

The field of psychology is not only for those who are experts in this field, but at a basic level; It is becoming a science that all individuals in society should have more or less knowledge of. The individual who has knowledge about the basic concepts and processes of psychology; better understand their own thoughts, feelings and behaviors. It is not like a detective to investigate the reason behind every behavior or every thought mentioned here. Such a pattern of thought can become tiring over time. The point to be emphasized here is an awareness process. become conscious; It is being aware of each of them while experiencing positive or negative life events that life brings to the individual, enjoying them, making plans and maintaining their own psychological strength. This means that a person can express himself better and use the most effective coping methods for himself in his work life, social relations, when he becomes a parent or when faced with difficult life events such as death, illness, accident.

In Which Situations / When Should I See a Psychologist?

Situations that may require psychological support may be encountered at every stage of life, but it would be wrong to talk about the ‘must have’ conditions in order to receive psychological support. On the other hand, there are situations where psychological support can be beneficial. For example, due to the problems that we can refer to as ‘progressive’ or ‘acute’, the person can receive psychological support. These problems are; anxiety, repetitive thoughts and behaviors, disturbing situations after a trauma, changes in appetite or sleep patterns, etc. can be listed. However, psychological support can be obtained due to long-standing, almost personality traits, but disturbing situations. These are inflexible thoughts and behaviors that cannot be structured according to situations and conditions, generally attributed to personality. For example, perfectionist thoughts can set an example for this.

In addition to the ones mentioned above, ‘existential’ problems in which the person is in search of a meaning about himself and his life are also seen as a situation that may require psychological support. Questions about life, living and being human, for which we seek answers, can perplex us at every stage of life. When we cannot find an answer that can convince us to these existential questions, we can feel emotionally bad and even empty. In such cases, the support of an expert is helpful.

Getting psychological support does not necessarily mean that there is a serious problem in one’s life. Apart from repetitive situations, the person may also want to get support from an expert in order to be able to become aware of his own cognitive and behavioral processes and to acquire the ability to evaluate the situation, condition, person and events in a holistic way with alternative thoughts. In some cases, it is also possible to go to a psychologist just to better understand, regulate, organize and functionalize the person himself, his thought processes and emotions. Our ability to regulate both emotions and behavior will improve day by day when we can explore and find the internal and external sources of our own behavior.

Functionality; The ability to think in accordance with the circumstances brings with it appropriate affect and likewise appropriate behavior. At some time in our life, we may think that we have lost our functionality and we may start to feel ‘weird’ or in a different position from all the people we know. At this point, it is useful to stay calm, to give ourselves time and to examine our intellectual and emotional processes together with a specialist psychologist.

In general, people; Thoughts such as “I’ll get over it” or “I don’t need anyone” and the fear of being labeled become the biggest barriers to going to a psychologist and seeking support. If there are differences in feelings, thoughts or behavior patterns compared to the usual situation, or if you feel bad emotionally, if the same complaints continue for a long time, you can go to a psychologist. In some cases, the chronicity of the problems experienced can lead to serious consequences. If the person feels himself in a dead end, he should be aware that the support of an expert can be useful.

Psychotherapy for all age groups throughout life; It is an effective treatment method. If the person is in search of support or help and feels ready, they can apply to a psychologist to solve any of their problems.

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Psk. Saime Begum Dinc

Uzman Bilgisi

Psy. Saime Begum DINC
Clinical Psychologist
  • Üniversite : Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Psychology, Izmir University (High Honor Degree)
  • Uzmanlık : Başkent University, Institute of Social Sciences, Master's Program in Clinical Psychology


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