



Tabriz Azad University, Faculty of Medicine


Bezmialem Vakıf University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases


Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist

Interested Age Range



Istanbul – Levent – Karanfil Street





Yabancı Dil Terapi



She graduated from Tabriz Azad University Faculty of Medicine in 2004. In 2017, she started her assistantship training at Bezmialem Vakıf University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and received the title of specialist doctor in February 2021.

Neurodevelopmental disorders including Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder, Specific Learning Disorder, Communication Disorders, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Intellectual Disability, Motor Disorders, Tic Disorders are of special interest. She practices Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, EMDR Therapy and Play Therapy for Children. She is a member of the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Association of Turkey, the Turkish Psychiatric Association, and the Turkish Medical Association.


  • High School: Tabriz Tohid Science High School
  • University: Tabriz Azad University, Faculty of Medicine
  • Master’s: Bezmialem Vakıf University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Diseases

Certificates and Other Trainings

  • “Child and Adolescent Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy” training course, Istanbul University Continuing Education and Application Center, February 2021- June 2021
  • Isparta Autism Congress, February 2021
  • .5. Adolescent Days, November 2020
  • 5th Psychiatry Summit & 12th Anxiety Congress, online congress, October 2020
  • “Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy for School Phobia” organized online by the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Association of Turkey, July 2020
  • “Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy for Exam Anxiety” organized online by the Psychotherapies Commission of the Turkish Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Association, May 2020
  • 80-hour Child and Adolescent Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy Theoretical Training, organized by Assoc.
  • 1st Assistant Training on Evaluation and Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders in Children and Adolescents by ESCAP (European Society for Child and Adolescent), Catania Italy, October 2019
  • Play Therapy Fundamentals and Use of Play Therapy to Heal from Trauma, October 2019
  • EU Thought Workshop, EMDR Course, 2018, Istanbul
  • Forensic Psychiatry Course, May 2019
  • 29. National Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Congress, Istanbul, May 2019
  • 5. Prof. Dr.Selahattin Şenol Spring School, From Hypothesis to Research, From Research to Publication” Antalya, March 2019
  • Diagnosis and Treatment of Dissociative Identity Disorder 1st and 2nd Level , Prof. Dr. Medaim Yanık, October 2018
  • Prof.Dr.Vamik D. Volkan Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy course, Life After Loss, September 2018
  • Kiddie-Sads Training (Mood disorders and schizophrenia interview schedule for school-age children – structured interview techniques in the example now and lifetime version) diagnostic assessment training, May 2018
  • 28. National Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Congress, Istanbul, May 2018
  • 4. Prof. Dr.Selahattin Şenol Spring School, Forensic Psychiatry, Ankara, March 2018
  • Psychodrama Techniques Applications in Trauma and Related Mental Disorders in Children and Adolescents, March 2018