
Psy. Aslı ATICI

Clinical Psychologist


Psychology Department, Çankaya University (Honors Student)


Istanbul Aydın University – Clinical Psychology


Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist

Interested Age Range



Ankara – Center Kavaklidere


She completed her undergraduate education in 2018 as an honor student at Çankaya University, Department of Psychology. She successfully completed her master’s degree in Clinical Psychology at Istanbul Aydın University and was entitled to receive her specialization.

During her undergraduate education, she did her internship at a private rehabilitation center between July 2016 and August 2016 and at Hacettepe Hospital Pediatric Oncology Department between July 2017 and August 2017. During their internships; She has closely followed the developmental processes of children diagnosed with Dyslexia, Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and Autism Spectrum Disorder. At the same time, she held first interviews with children newly admitted to the Pediatric Oncology Department and their families, and applied some psychological tests such as Beier Sentence Completion and CAT to the children in the inpatient ward.

During her master’s degree, she took a Schema Therapy course from Istanbul Aydin University Clinical Psychology faculty members and followed the client with a supervisor. In addition, within the Association of Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapies she attended the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Children and Adolescents training given by Assoc. Dr. Vahdet Görmez.

She completed her master’s degree with the thesis “Thought-Action Fusion with COVID-19 Phobia in High School Students and Examination of the Mind Reading Ability in the Eyes”. The summary text of the thesis study was published in the 11th International Scientific Research Congress Abstract Booklet.

Between July 2021 and September 2022, she followed clients as a volunteer psychologist within the scope of the psychosocial support network within the non-governmental organization. She worked as an institutional psychologist in a private nursery between February 2022 and February 2023, and as a clinical psychologist in a private medical center between October 2022 and June 2023.

Trainings Received:

  • Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) Practitioner Certificate, Turkish Psychologists Association, 2018
  • WISC-4 Wechsler Intelligence Testing for Children Certificate, Turkish Psychologists Association. 2019
  • Child Assessment Tests (AGTE, Bender Gestalt Visual Motor Perception Test, Drawing Tests, Sentence Completion Tests, Metropolitan School Readiness Test, Peabody Picture Word Recognition Test, Luissa Duss Story Completion Test), Başkent Psychology Workshop, 2019
  • MOXO Attention Test Practitioner Certificate, MOXO Türkiye, 2021
  • Child-Centered Play Therapy Training, Play Therapies Association, 2021
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Theoretical Training in Children and Adolescents, Association of Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapies, 2021
  • Communicating with Children About Death, Clinical Psychologist İrem Polat, 2021
  • Childhood Fears, Clinical Psychologist İrem Polat, 2021
  • Basic Information Education on Frequently Encountered Subjects in Preschool, Clinical Psychologist İrem Polat, 2022
  • Psychotherapy Practices Training with Adolescents, Clinical Psychologist Bahar Çakır, 2<a023

Academic studies:

  • Atıcı, A. (2021), Thought-Action Fusion with COVID-19 Phobia in High School Students and Examination of the Mind Reading Skill in the Eyes. (Unpublished Master’s Thesis). Istanbul Aydin University, Istanbul.

Summary Text Paper Presented at Conferences:

  • Atıcı A., Kavak, H., Yavuz M., (2021). Investigation of Thought-Action Fusion with COVID-19 Phobia and Mind Reading Skill in High School Students. 11th International Scientific Research Congress, Ankara.

Posters Presented at Conferences:

  • Karaca, Z., Atıcı, A., Öztoygar, E., Taşkaya, H., & Topcu, M., (2019). Examination of the Character Pollyanna According to Mahler’s Theory of Separation and Individuation. 2nd International Human Studies Congress, Ankara.