

Clinical Psychologist


Atılım University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Psychology


Uskudar University Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Clinical Psychology (With Honor)


Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist

Interested Age Range



Istanbul – Levent – Karanfil Street


Clinical Psychologist Cansu Dedeoğlu completed her undergraduate education at Atılım University, Department of Psychology. At the same time, she successfully completed her voluntary internship at the Dışkapı State Hospital inpatient psychiatry service between July 2016 and August 2016, and at the Community Mental Health Center between June 2017 and July 2017, during her undergraduate period. She completed her master’s degree in Üsküdar University, Department of Clinical Psychology with a high honor degree. As part of her internship, she completed his specialization by taking part in NP Istanbul Brain Hospital. She has a professional volleyball background. During her education life, she participated in psychological test trainings and therapy trainings organized by various associations and institutions and received supervision. Cansu Dedeoğlu is a member of the Turkish Psychological Association and continues her voluntary work as a KORDEP employee during the Corona virus pandemic. She started her professional life as a primary school-kindergarten psychologist in a private educational institution in Ankara, and continued to work with her clients in a private clinic during this period.

Cansu Dedeoğlu has been working at Madalyon Psychiatry Center since February 2021.


  • High School : Anıttepe High School
  • University : Atılım University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Psychology
  • Master : Üsküdar University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Clinical Psychology (High Honors Degree)

Certificates and Other Trainings

  • .Madalyon Psychiatric Center – MMPI (Minnesota Multidimensional Personality Inventory) Implementation and Evaluation, Dr. Nursen Oral 2018
  • .Child Tests Education – Association of Cognitive Behavioral Therapists 1) Desire Test, 2) Frankfurter Attention Test, 3) Beier Sentence Completion Test, 4) D2 Attention Test, 5) Loisa Duss Psychoanalytic Stories Test, 6) Burdon Attention Test, 7) Raven Progressive Matrix Test, 8) Peabody Picture Word Matching, 9) Catell 2A Intelligence Test, 10) Metropolitan School Readiness, 11) Exam Anxiety Scale, 12) AGTE – Ankara, 2018
  • .Marriage – Couple – Sex Therapy Training CİTEB, 2020
  • .Neuropsychological Tests Training – 1)Stroop Test, 2) Mini Mental Test, 3)Color Trails, 4) WAIS Digit Span- Digit Symbol, 5) 3 Words 3 Figures, 6) Visual Verbal Test, 7) Verbal Fluency Test- Dr. Cigdem Kudiaki 2018
  • .Family Counseling Education, M.E.B.
  • .Moxo d-CPT Attention Performance Test, Moxo Turkey 2021
  • .Solution Focused Therapy Training – Cognitive Behavioral Therapists Association, 2018
  • .Play Therapy Training- Bilginet Akademi, Psk. Fundem Ece Kaykac
  • .Psychodiagnostic Tests Training, 1) SCL-90 2) Yale Brown Obsession Compulsion Scale 3) Beck Depression Anxiety Scale 4) Childhood Trauma Scale – Üsküdar University, Exp. Ps. Esma Suits
  • .Turkish Psychological Association, Sports Psychology Workshop 2018
  • .Interpersonal Relations Therapy Training, Dr. Gökben Rapid Sayar – Üsküdar University 2019
  • .Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Training, Psk. Elif Kandaz – Üsküdar University 2019
  • .Pandemic and Afterwards School Phobia and Behavioral Addictions Training Program , Green Crescent August 2020
  • .Turkish Psychological Association, Basic Trauma Psychopathology Training 2021
  • .Healing is Possible Training Program , Green Crescent 2020
  • .Relationships After Baby, Psychology Istanbul 2020
  • .Playful Parenting, Lawrence Cohen – Psychology Istanbul 2020
  • .Approaches to Support Early Psychological Well-Being in Ongoing Traumas Prof. Dr. Şahika Yüksel , KORDEP 2020
  • .Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama Education, Üsküdar University, Exp. Ps. Fatih Dane, 2019
  • Academic studies
  • .Dedeoglu, C. (2020). The Effect of Personality Traits on Job Stress and Job Satisfaction and the Formative Role of Social Support, (Üsküdar University Master’s Thesis) Project Advisor Assist. Assoc. Dr. Oguz TAN
  • .Children’s Rights with an Interdisciplinary Approach, Chapter 8: Identification of Children with Adaptation and Behavioral Problems in terms of Children’s Rights and Solutions Clinical Psychologist Cansu Dedeoğlu , PEGEM ACADEMY 202
