
Prof. Dr. Ayse YALIN

Clinical Psychologist


Faculty of Social and Administrative Sciences, Department of Psychology, Hacettepe University


Hacettepe University Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Psychology, Clinical Psychology Doctorate
Hacettepe University Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Psychology, Clinical Psychology Specialization


Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist

Interested Age Range



Ankara – Center Kavaklidere

Listeleme Unvan



She started her professional life at Hacettepe University Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Department in 1972, continued her studies at Ankara University Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Department since 1977 and retired from the same university in 2001.

After the earthquake that took place in the Marmara Region in 1999, she worked as a practitioner, trainer and consultant in the psychosocial school project prepared by UNICEF-MEB for the victims of the disaster and their families. Until 2005, she took part in the dissemination of the project throughout the country.

She also took part as a trainer and consultant in the projects “Haydi Kızlar Okula”, “Child Friendly Schools” and “Domestic Violence-Violence Against Women” carried out in cooperation with UNICEF-MEB.

She is still a member of the “National Psychotherapy Specialization Evaluation Committee” of the Turkish Psychological Association. she has over 50 scientific publications. Dr. Ayşe Yalın is married and has two children.

She has been continuing her career since 2005 at Madalyon Psychiatry Center, of which she is a founding member.

Ayşe Yalın spends a certain part of her time at the Private Haznedar Kindergarten for 36-72 months old children, which she created by restoring her father’s house where she was born and raised, and which started operating in Ünye on October 29, 2008.


  • High School: TED Ankara College
  • University: Hacettepe University, Faculty of Social and Administrative Sciences, Department of Psychology
  • MSc: Hacettepe University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Psychology, Clinical Psychology Specialization
  • Ph.MD.: Hacettepe University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Psychology, PhD in Clinical Psychology

Certificates and Other Trainings:

  • Turkish Psychological Association-“Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-R)” Application and Right to Provide Education
  • Humanitarian Assistance Programs EMDR- “Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Level 1 and 2 Training”
  • She received the title and authority of Associate Professor in 1986 and Professor in 1995.
  • She received Family Therapy training in Canada (Ottowa) in 1985 and the USA (Berkshire Family Treatment Center) in 1993.

Blog Posts

  • A New Adventure
  • Our Child Brides Who Have Their Lives Taken From Their Hands
  • Fears and Memories
  • The Importance of Laughing and Being able to Laugh in Life
  • There Is No Time To Make Your Dreams Come True
  • Children Are Afraid Adults Too
  • Waiting for Spring
  • A sense of belonging, ownership
