

Clinical Psychologist


Psychology Department, Başkent University, with Honors


Istanbul Uskudar University Clinical Psychology


Adult Mental Health

Interested Age Range



Ankara – Center Kavaklidere


Clinical Psychologist Burcu Katırcıoğlu. She graduated from Başkent University, Department of Psychology with honors. During her undergraduate education, she completed her voluntary internship at the TAF Rehabilitation and Care Center, where she conducted evaluation interviews and test applications with patients in the acute phase. During her education, she carried out various social responsibility activities and gave seminars at schools. After completing her undergraduate education, she worked in a special education and rehabilitation center for about a year. In this process, She completed the Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy Training given by Prof. Dr.  Ebru Şalcıoğlu.

She started her MSc in Clinical Psychology at Istanbul Üsküdar University and completed her specialization with a high honor degree. During her education, she completed the Motivational Interview Techniques Training by Kültegin Ögel and the Short-Term Solution-Oriented Counseling Approach Training by Nevin Dölek. She completed Schema Therapy Training by Alp Karaosmanoğlu and EMDR Training by Emre Konuk. She continues to the Application of Beck-Oriented Cognitive Therapy in the Treatment of OCD by Emel Stroup.

She held sessions at Üsküdar University Psychological Counseling Center and online platforms. She worked in a private counseling center,She has been working in the field for more than 3 years.

Certificates and Other Trainings

  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Institute of Behavioral Sciences
  • Schema Therapy International Certification Training, Alp Karaosmanoğlu
  • Mindfulness Symposium, Mindfulness Institute
  • Madalyon Workshop, Madalyon Academy
  • The Science Of Well Being, Coursera Yale University
  • Motivational Interviewing Techniques Training, Kültegin Ögel
  • Application of Beck-Oriented Cognitive Therapy in OCD Treatment Workshop
  • Short-Term Solution-Oriented Counseling Approach Training, Nevin Dölek
  • Minnesota Versatile Personality Inventory Training, Üsküdar University
  • Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy Training, Ebru Şalcıoğlu
  • Play and Fairy Tale Therapy Education, Üsküdar University
  • Child Psychometric Tests Education, Üsküdar University

Test Trainings

  • Ankara Development Inventory (AGTE)
  • Frankfurt Attention Test
  • D2 Attention Test
  • Bourdon Attention Test
  • One Sentence Completion
  • Gesell Intelligence Test
  • Louisa Duss Story Completion Test
  • Peabody Receptive Language Test
  • Metropolitan School Readiness Test
  • Exam Anxiety Scale
  • Frostig Visual Perception and Attention Test
  • Koppitz Draw a Person Test
  • Porteus Maze
  • Benton Visual Perception and Comprehension Test
  • CAT
  • School Readiness Test
