
Psy. Ozenc Utku OZTURK

Clinical Psychologist


Psychology Department, Doğuş University


Istanbul Okan University, Clinical Psychology


Adult Mental Health

Interested Age Range



Istanbul – Levent – Sulun Street


He completed his undergraduate education at Doğuş University, Department of Psychology. He showed an interest in academic research and helped researchers voluntarily during his undergraduate education.

After his undergraduate education, he continued his clinical research and observations with his clinical internship with Dr. Görkem Gökçelioğlu. He completed his master’s degree in Clinical Psychology at Istanbul Okan University, and his supervisory processes in his master’s degree were completed with Transference Focused Dynamic Psychotherapy with Dr. Görkem Gökçelioglu and with a Lacanian Psychoanalytic perspective with Dr. Fiona Faraci. He completed his master’s degree project under the title of Psychoanalytic Analysis of Depressive Personality Pattern and started to serve as a Clinical Psychologist.

Simultaneously with his master’s program, he continued his education in Transference-Oriented Dynamic Psychotherapy and started to work independently in this direction. He attended the Introductory Psychoanalysis Conferences Seminars from the Istanbul Psychoanalysis Association. He has completed Psychological First Aid training. He is currently participating in Yavuz Erten’s Seminars from Psychoanalysis to Dynamic Psychotherapies.

He uses Transference-Focused Psychodynamic Psychotherapy and Supportive Psychotherapy approaches in individual psychotherapy interviews. In line with these methods, he studies subjects such as personality patterns and disorders, anxiety disorders, depression, loss and grief, communication and anger problems.

He has been continuing his professional life as a Clinical Psychologist in Istanbul Madalyon Psychiatry Center since 2023.
