

Clinical Psychologist


Çankaya University, Department of Psychology (High Honor Student)


TED University Clinical Psychology


Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist

Interested Age Range



Ankara – Center Kavaklidere


She completed her undergraduate education in 2019 as a high honor student at Çankaya University, Department of Psychology, where she studied with a university entrance scholarship and an academic success scholarship. During her undergraduate education, she did internship at Konya Training and Research Hospital (2017), AMATEM- Alcohol and Substance Addiction Treatment and Training Center and Community Mental Health Center. She worked as a volunteer with children at the Turkish Education Volunteers Foundation and as a student assistant at Cankaya University.

she completed her master’s degree at TED University Clinical Psychology Program with a scholarship and graduated in 2022 with a thesis on “Sensory Sensitivity and Romantic Relationship Satisfaction”. During her master’s degree at TED University, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Children and Adolescents training from prof.dr. Serap Özer; Family Therapy training and supervision from Prof. Dr. Ayşe Yalın and Assoc. Dr. Ilgın Gökler Consultant;  Child and adolescent focused psychotherapy supervision from Prof. Dr. Gülsen Erden and Prof. Dr.  Bahar Gökler;. she received psychosocial support training and supervision from Assoc.Dr. Ilgın Gökler Counselor. During her master’s degree, she voluntarily took part in the TED University COVID-19 Psychosocial Support Project. During her master’s degree, she took part in developmental play groups with babies aged 12-36 months and their parents in a private center.

After graduation, she worked at the Special Education and Rehabilitation Center, provided social-emotional skills training individually/in groups with special pre-school children, gave individual and group training in daily life skills to special young people, and provided psychological counseling and family training. She worked with children, young people and their families in her own office between September 2022 and September 2023.

Trainings Received:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Training in Children and Adolescents (Prof. Dr. Serap Özer)
  • Supervision Training (Prof. Dr. Bahar Gökler), TED University, 2020
  • Supervision Training (Prof. Dr. Gülsen Erden), TED University, 2020
  • Supervision Training (Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ilgın Gökler Supervisor), TED University, 2020
  • Systemic Family Therapy Training and Supervision (Prof. Dr. Ayşe Yalın & Assoc. Dr. Ilgın Gökler Supervisor)
  • Child-Centered Play Therapy Training Module I and II (Dr. Clinical Psychologist Birgül Emiroğlu Bakay), Play Therapies Association, 2022
  • Short Term Solution Focused Therapy Training (Prof. Dr. Nevin Dölek), 2022
  • WISC-4 Wechsler Intelligence Test for Children Practitioner Training (Dr. Lecturer. Esra Güven), Turkish Psychologists Association, 2021
  • Projective Children’s Tests: Koppitz Draw a Person, Family Drawing, Beier Sentence Completion (Prof. Dr. Gülsen Erden), TED University, 2020
  • ÖÖGB, Ankara Developmental Screening Inventory (AGTE), Bender-Gestalt Visual-Motor Perception Test, Metropolitan School Maturity Test, Peabody Picture-Word Test, Tifaldi Receptive-Expressive Language Test, Gessell Developmental Figures Test, Audiovisual Digit Span Test, Kent-EGY and Porteus Mazes, Frankfurter Attention Test (Ext. Psychologist F. Sinem Gökçe), TED University, 2020-2021
  • Moxo Attention Performance Test Practitioner Certificate, Moxo Turkey (PH.MD Ferda Korkmaz Özkanoğlu), 2021
  • Neuropsychological Tests, Bilnot Battery – Stroop TBAG, Marking Test, Audiovisual Digit Span B Form, Raven Standard Progressive Matrices Test, Verbal and Non-Verbal Marking Test, Digit Sequence Learning Test, Öktem Verbal Memory Processes Test (Dr. Lecturer Hande Kaynak ), Çankaya University, 2019
  • Adolescent Psychosocial Development Based on Case Examples and Psychological Evaluation According to Age Periods (Assoc. Dr. Zeynep Tüzün), 2020
  • A Case Formulation Based on ADHD in the Axes of Family, School, Neurodevelopment (Prof. Dr. Yankı Yazgan), 2020
  • Approach to Child Abuse and Neglect and Case Evaluation (Prof. Dr. Bahar Gökler), 2020
  • Evaluation and Case Formulation of Pervasive Developmental Disorders (Prof. Dr.Melda Akçakın), 2020
  • Situations Requiring Pharmacotherapy and Psychiatric Consultation When Working with Children and Adolescents (Dr. Hakan Erman), 2020
  • Case Formulation and Play Therapy Decision in Therapy with Preschool Children (Prof. Dr. Ferhunde Öktem), 2021
  • Evaluation and Case Formulation in the Field of Infant Mental Health (Prof. Dr. Elvan İşeri), 2021
  • World Human Relief (WHR) Trauma Team Field Training Online (Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ilgın Gökler, *Psychiatrist Dr. Berna Aygün, Clinical Psychologist Pınar Mermer, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayten Zara, Associate Prof. Dr. Serra Müderrisoğlu, Gizem Toska, Dilşen Özden ), 2021

Academic studies:

  • Zorlular, M & Uzer, T. (2022). Investigating the effects of sensory processing sensitivity, negative affectivity and conflict resolution styles on relationship satisfaction (Unpublished Master Thesis), TED University, Ankara
  • Zorlular, M. & Uzer, T. Investigating the relationship between sensory processing sensitivity and relationship satisfaction: mediating roles of negative affectivity and conflict resolution style. Current Psychology (2022). 022-03796-3