
Psy. Gulay CIVI

Specialist Psychologist


Faculty of Letters, Department of Psychology, Hacettepe University, High Honor Student, 2016


Adult Mental Health

Interested Age Range



Ankara – Center Kavaklidere


During her student life, she did an internship at Bakırköy Psychiatric Hospital.Between 1977 and 1998, she worked in the Psychiatry Clinic of the hospital, which was then called SSK Dışkapı Training and Research Hospital and later known as S.B Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Training and Research Hospital. Between 1992-1999, she worked at Gaziantep University Medical Faculty Psychiatry Clinic. She worked as the Head of the Psychology Unit of the Psychiatry Clinic of Yıldırım Beyazıt Training and Research Hospital between the years of years.


  • High School: Ankara Girls’ High School
  • University: Ankara University, Faculty of Language, History and Geography, Department of Psychology

Certificates and Participation Certificates

  • Rorschach Education and Supervision Prof. Dr. Neriman Samurçay 1980-1982
  • TAT Education and Supervision Prof. Dr. Neriman Samurçay 1982
  • Psychodrama Training Center Psychodrama and Group Psychotherapy Training Prof.Dr.Abdülkadir Özbek 1991-1992
  • Participation in XVI.Group Psychotherapies Symposium Group Psychotherapies Association May 1991
  • V.International Congress of Group Psychotherapies P.S.Lews Participation in working groups Group Psychotherapies Association May 1992
  • Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Intensive Course Prof.Dr. Işık Savaşır April 1992
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Education Prof.Dr.M.Hakan Türkçapar 2001-2002
  • Sexual Therapy Education Prof. Dr. Arşaluyz Kayır Ankara 1984
  • EMDR Workshop and Application Participation Assoc.Prof.Burhanettin Kaya 2004
  • Turkish Psychological Association Neuropsychological Evaluation Spring Term 2005
  • Training of Trainers for Combating Sexual Assaults Against Children Mental Health and Social Diseases Branch March 2011-April 2011
  • TR Ministry of Health Medical Applications of Psychology Authorization Certificate
  • 3rd Dışkapı Psychiatry Days Marriage Therapies Participation November 2012
  • 6th Diskapi Psychiatry Days Participation November 2013
  • Cognitive Behavioral Treatment of Obesity Dr.S.Olga Güriz 2017 Theoretical Training
  • Obesity B.D.T Group Treatment Cotherapist Task Dr.S.Olga Güriz 2017
  • Community Mental Health Associate Professor Akfer Karaoğlan 2018 Theoretical Education
  • Crisis Intervention to the Crisis Assoc.Prof.Akfer Karaoğlan 2018 Theoretical Education
  • Rational Emotive Therapy Dr.S.Olga Güriz Theoretical Training 2019
