
Psy. Cansu GUNEY

Clinical Psychologist


Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Psychology, Istanbul Bilgi University


Işık University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Clinical Psychology (Thesis-based)


Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist

Interested Age Range



Istanbul – Kadikoy – Goztepe

Yabancı Dil Terapi



She completed her high school education at St.Benoit French High School and her undergraduate education at Istanbul Bilgi University, Department of Psychology. She received her master’s degree in Clinical Psychology with her thesis on “Investigation of the Mediator Effect of Personality Traits on the Relationship Between Body Image and Social Anxiety in Adolescents aged 15-18 years” at Işık University.

During her undergraduate education, she did an internship on family-couple therapy, sexual dysfunctions and anxiety disorders at Marmara Training and Research Hospital Psychiatric and Neurological Diseases Unit, and also worked with children diagnosed with pervasive developmental disorders in a special education center.

She also worked as a volunteer psychologist and trainer in TEGV (Turkish Education Volunteers Foundation) non-governmental organization.

During her graduate education, she did an internship at Erenköy Psychiatric Hospital.

During her residency training at Işık University Clinical Psychology Department, she received Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Play Therapy training and conducted individual psychotherapy sessions under supervision at Işık University Clinical Psychology Unit.

Provided consultancy to kindergartens in English and French during and after postgraduate education; She gave feedback to families by observing the cognitive, emotional, social and physical development of children.

Cansu Güney can apply Wisc-4, Moxo, Beier Sentence Completion Test, Benton Visual Memory Test, Bender-Gestalt, AGTE, CAT, TAT, Goodenough-Harris tests.

In addition, she can provide psychotherapy for foreign clients in English and French.

She is a member of the Advisory Board of Işık University Clinical Psychology Graduate Programs.


  • University: Istanbul Bilgi University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Psychology
  • MSc: Işık University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Clinical Psychology

Certificates and Other Trainings

  • Yağmur Children’s Psychological Counseling and Special Education Center, trainee psychologist, 2012.
  • Psychiatry Clinic Internship Program, Marmara Training and Research Hospital, 2012.
  • Psychiatry Clinic Internship Program, Erenköy Psychiatric and Neurological Diseases Hospital, 2016-2017.
  • “Child Sexual Abuse and Pedophilia”, Prof. Dr. Ayten Erdogan, 2016
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Applied Supervision, Işık University, 2017-2018.
  • Moxo Attention Test Practitioner Certification, 2017.
  • Child Tests Evaluation Package, Turkish Psychological Association, 2018.
  • WISC-4 Intelligence Scale Training and Certification for Children, Turkish Psychological Association, 2019.
  • TAT and CAT Trainings, Institute of Clinical Psychology, 2019.
  • Schema Therapy International Certification Training, Dr.Alp Karaosmanoğlu-December 2019
  • Beck Oriented Cognitive Therapy Skills and Clinical First Interview/Dr.Emel Stroup,2020
  • Child and Adolescent Projective Tests Training / Dr.Neslihan Zabcı, 2020-still ongoing
  • Eating Disorders and Treatment Approaches / Associate Professor Vahap Kotan (01.2021)
  • Experiential Play Therapy Level 1 Education /Nilüfer Devecigil (01.2022)

Published Articles

  • C. Güney, Z. D. Aktan, E.Yardim (2020)
  • The Formative Effect of Personality Traits on the Relationship Between Body Image and Social Anxiety, Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry & Psychology Vol.2 Issue.3
  • Marcelli, D.(2021).Jalouise et envie chez l’enfant: mythe ou réalite? (C. Güney, Trans.). Psychoanalysis Notebooks Jealousy and Envy.
  • Brusset, B. (1993). Honte a L’Adolescence (C. Güney, E. Altınbilek. Trans). Psychoanalysis Desfters Shame and Guilt
  • Güney, C. (2022), “Identity Confusion in the Postmodern Age: Construction, Understanding, Interpretation and Presentation of Self through Digital Media”, Social Identities in the Postmodern Age, (1st Edition), (23-41), Kriter Publishing, Istanbul
