Anamnesis is defined as the information provided by the patient about their illness and surroundings. Used to express the patient’s history, anamnesis is obtained through specific questions aimed at diagnosing the illness, encompassing all essential information related to the patient’s condition (patient identification, complaints, history, personal background, family history, social situation, habits, medications, and bodily functions).
Taking Anamnesis
Taking anamnesis involves obtaining detailed information about the patient’s illness that led to the hospital visit. Generally, it is preferred to collect information directly from the patient. However, in cases where obtaining information directly from the patient is challenging, such as when the patient has consciousness disorders, support may be sought from family members following the patient’s illness process.
Anamnesis in Psychiatry In psychiatry,
A carefully taken history is known to be one of the most crucial tools leading the therapist to diagnosis and proper treatment. Thus, taking anamnesis in psychiatry is considered one of the most critical stages of therapy.
When taking anamnesis in psychiatry, questions are directed towards obtaining information about the patient’s identity, complaints, the history of the illness, the patient’s personal and family history, social situation, habits, medications, and bodily functions.
The three main objectives of taking anamnesis in psychiatry are:
- Obtaining detailed information about the patient’s illness,
- Making a diagnosis and creating an appropriate treatment plan,
- Creating a permanent record of the information obtained about the patient.
One of the Most Important Tools Leading to Proper Treatment Is Anamnesis.
The initial meeting with the patient has a significant impact on establishing a connection. Therefore, the therapist allows the patient to express themselves comfortably during anamnesis. Establishing trust during this phase is crucial for obtaining accurate and complete information. The therapist is expected to approach the patient with respect, gentleness, interest, acceptance, and a friendly attitude. The therapist, through simple questions and guidance, collaborates with the patient and provides support.
During anamnesis, close attention is paid to the body language used by the patient when narrating information about their illness or problem. Observations include the patient’s general condition, consciousness level, intelligence level, their connection with the illness, and their responses to questions. Thus, every element that can provide information about the illness is taken into account during anamnesis