“What if I’ve contracted the virus?” “What if I’m asymptomatic and pass it on to someone?” “If I go outside, it will definitely find me.” “I won’t be able to protect my child.” “Have I washed my hands enough?” “I think I didn’t wash for 20 seconds; let me wash them again.” … Hundreds of questions come to our minds. Right after that, a considerable amount of anxiety follows! And then the gifts of anxiety; insomnia, stomach-headaches, difficulty breathing, palpitations…
There is no diagnosis called “Coronaphobia,” but it’s not far from our minds 🙂
There is a reality that the “Coronavirus” may be around us. The most worrisome thing is not being able to see where it is. The lack of definite information about how its treatment will be done. This uncertainty is the most important factor increasing anxiety. We will focus on what we know for sure.
So, what should we do?
Let’s first deal with concrete facts.
*Apply cleanliness measures announced everywhere adequately.
*Wash hands as regularly described (for 20 seconds with soap and water).
*Do not touch your face with dirty hands.
*Postpone handshakes, kisses, and hugs.
*Do not prefer crowded places too much.
*Ventilate the environment you are in frequently.
*If you have returned from abroad, stay at home for 14 days and finish your pending tasks and enjoy yourself 🙂
Now, let’s move on to what needs to be done for psychological health:
Maybe you can’t continue your normal daily routine. Establish an activity routine as similar to your daily routine as possible. Spend quality time with your loved ones, even if you don’t hug and kiss them much. Don’t put your social relationships into quarantine. Don’t let the agenda at home be about illness and possible disaster scenarios. Remember that the children are there too! Try to exercise. Meditation is always good and not as difficult as you think 🙂 Notice the anxious thoughts that come frequently; don’t try to solve them by thinking about them all (we don’t have that power). Yes, call it an anxiety thought again, try to notice it. Watch the course of the thought while continuing your work 🙂 If you find that this anxiety is increasingly enveloping you, then consult with a clinical psychologist or psychiatrist. You have the chance of online therapy 🙂
Stay well with love and health.