
Nörogelişimsel Bozukluklar

Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Neurodevelopmental disorders encompass a group of differences and disorders that affect the development of the nervous system, leading to distinct functioning of the brain. Children with neurodevelopmental disorders may encounter...
Kendini Gerçekleştiren Kehanet

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

A self-fulfilling prophecy can be recognized in common language as "What I feared happened to me, I already knew it would happen". Well, do you think it really happens to...
Sanatla İyileşmek

Healing with Art

Art can also be used as a way of expressing our trapped emotions. We relax our souls by expressing the feelings and memories that we have difficulty in putting into...
Online Sınıf Çocukları

Online Classroom Kids

Online Education in the Covid-19 Process The pandemic has changed many systems around the world or caused systems to be recreated and all rules to be rewritten. The education system...
korku kaygı ve çocukluk

Fear, Anxiety and Children

Many children experience fear and anxiety as a normal part of their development. They exhibit similar fears at similar ages, and these fears tend to change as they grow. Fears...
Çocuklarda Obsesif Kompulsif Bozukluk (OKB)

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) in Children

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in children is characterized by the constant and often prolonged repetition of certain movements or thoughts. Obsessions are recurring, disturbing, illogical thoughts, urges, or images that are...
Alt Islatma (Enürezis)

Bedwetting (Enuresis)

The term enuresis comes from the Greek word "enourein," which means "to urinate." Today, enuresis is used to describe the involuntary and inappropriate urination at an age when developmental control...
Ruminasyon Nedir

What is Rumination?

Rumination refers to the process of constantly thinking about negative emotions and thoughts related to a stressful or bad event. The term "rumination" is derived from the Latin word "rumen,"...
Panik Alışveriş Nedir?

What Is Panic Buying?

Panic buying, defined as panic purchasing behavior, is the act of making excessive purchases during periods of uncertainty, such as natural disasters, economic crises, pandemics, and wars. It is characterized...
Karantina Günlerinde Psikolojik Sağlamlık

 Psychological Resilience During Quarantine Days

In these days when we are grappling with Covid-19, there is a common experience shared by all societies: "being in quarantine" and as a result, "physical isolation." According to research,...
Gündem - Madalyon Psikiyatri Merkezi

Earthquake and Psychological First Aid

What People Experience After a Major Earthquake? Natural disasters are a part of the world we live in. While we can accept this scientifically and physically, dealing with the effects...
İmago Terapi Nedir

 What is Imago Therapy?

Imago Relationship Therapy was developed by Harville Hendrix and his wife Helen LaKelly. According to Hendrix, who tried to find a solution to the problems in male-female relationships, individuals are...
Çekingen Kişilik Bozukluğu

What is Avoidant Personality Disorder?

Avoidant Personality Disorder is a personality disorder. Personality disorders express the problems of individuals in their relationships with their surroundings and the troubles in the inner world of the individual...
Tırnak Yeme Hastalığı Nedir

What Is Nail Biting Disorder?

Nail-biting disorder, medically known as onychophagia, is a condition that describes the behaviors of nail biting, nail picking, inserting one or more fingers into the mouth, and biting nails. Nail-biting...
Psikolojik Yaşlanma Diye Bir Şey Var mı

 Is There Such a Thing as Psychological Aging?

The concept of aging, which refers to the gradual loss of functionality in various systems of the body, has different dimensions (chronological, biological, physiological, psychological, socio-cultural, economic, and social). The...
Psikolojik Dayanıklılık

What is Psychological Resilience?

The English term "Resilience" corresponds to concepts such as psychological resilience, psychological robustness, unwaveringness, and the ability to recover in Turkish. Psychological resilience, an important topic in positive psychology, which...

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